
SB 721 & SB 326



该法案是对六名加州大学伯克利分校学生悲惨死亡事件的回应, 6月16日, 2015, 午夜过后不久, 一群学生聚集在阳台上, 倒塌. 阳台在一栋公寓楼的5楼. 2015年6月, 伯克利市市长汤姆·贝茨(Tom Bates)承诺对事故原因进行广泛调查. The evidence is overwhelming that dry rot from improper construction and waterproofing caused the collapse, 而不是13个学生的体重.

SB 721

9月17日, 2018, 加州州长杰里·布朗签署了SB 721法案——“阳台检查法案”.“该法律要求对有三个或更多单元的多户住宅进行检查.

SB 326

2019年8月30日,加州州长加文·纽森签署了SB 326法案. This law requires inspections of condominiums or multi-family housing controlled by residential homeowners’ associations (HOAs).


All multi-family residential buildings with three or more dwelling units in California that have “exterior elevated elements” that rely in whole or in substantial part on wood structural support must comply with this law.



  • 公寓房屋,共同租户和居住/工作单位.

  • 宿舍,兄弟会,姐妹会,修道院和修道院.

  • 酒店, 汽车旅馆和分时度假酒店, 寄宿的房子, and congregate residences (transient with more than 10 occupants and non-transient with more than 16 occupants).

  • 住宅辅助生活设施和社会康复住宅设施.


SB 721 affects all residential buildings that have three or more multifamily dwelling units and SB 326 affects condominiums and other common interest developments. 从明年1月1日开始,将向市民出售被改编为公寓的建筑物, 2019, 必须在第一次交割前检查吗.



(1)“相关防水系统”包括闪光, 膜, 涂料, and 密封剂 that protect the load-bearing components of exterior elevated elements from exposure to water.

(2) “外 elevated elements” mean the load-bearing components together with their associated waterproofing system.

(3) “Load-bearing components” means those components that extend beyond the exterior walls of the building to deliver structural loads to the building.


根据SB 721和SB 326, 加州民法典修正案, 这些要求适用于所有外部高架元件, 其定义为:

  • Weather-exposed(我.e.,而非室内)

  • 延伸到外墙之外

  • 位于邻近地面以上6英尺的

  • 木框架(非混凝土或钢)



  • 阳台, 甲板, 门廊, 楼梯, 人行道, and entry structures that extend beyond exterior walls of the building and that rely in whole or in substantial part on wood or wood-based products for structural support or stability; and

  • 人行道:高出地面6英尺以上的人行道.

  • 为人类居住或使用而设计的阳台.

The purpose of the law is to determine if the 外 升高 元素 and associated waterproofing components are in a generally safe condition and adequate working order to the extent that the safety or welfare of the public or the occupants are not endangered. The law requires inspection of associated waterproofing components that protect the load-bearing elements including sheet metal flashings, 膜, 涂料, 密封剂, 以及可能穿透膜的特征,如护栏附着物, 下水道, 和造成. Load-bearing components are those components that extend beyond the exterior walls of the building to deliver structural loads from the element to the building.



  • Identify wood-framed exterior elevated elements exhibiting significant deterioration due to wood-destroying organisms (fungal decay or insect infestation).

  • Ascertain whether the extent of deterioration poses a significant compromise to the load-carrying adequacy of structural components supporting exterior elevated elements.

  • 试图找到水源,如果木材破坏生物侵扰观察木框架.

  • 修复缺陷成分.


第一次安全检查必须不迟于1月1日完成, 2025, and subsequently every nine years for SB 326 and every six years for SB 721 after the initial inspection.





外部高架元素都是高架甲板, 阳台, 登陆, 楼梯系统, 人行道, 护栏, 扶手, 或者任何部分 其暴露于天气和行走表面高于平地/地面6英尺以上. This program applies only to wood-framed exterior elevated elements and not to concrete or steel elements.



Load-bearing components are components that extend beyond the exterior walls of the building to deliver structural loads to the building from 甲板, 阳台, 楼梯, 人行道, 还有他们的栏杆, 它们的行走地面高出地面6英尺以上, 为人类居住或使用而设计的, 全部或大部分由木材或木制品支撑.



相关的防水系统包括闪光, 膜, 涂料, and 密封剂 that protect the load-bearing components of 外 升高 元素 from exposure to water.

我住在一栋有许多阳台的多单元住宅楼里. 我楼里的阳台安全吗?

The 阳台 in your building were built in conformance with the Building Code requirements which were in effect at the time of original construction. 《瑞丰乐投letou官网》的目的和意图一直是生命安全. 以确定阳台的支撑多年来没有受损, 外部高架元素项目要求对所有阳台进行定期检查.

我住在一栋新建成的大楼里. 我大楼的阳台需要检查吗? 

Newly constructed residential buildings are exempt from the inspection certification requirements for a period of three years following the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy.

我以前从未接受过这种检查. 这是什么时候成为一项要求的?

9月17日, 2018, 加州州长杰里·布朗于8月30日签署了SB 721法案, 2019, 加州州长加文·纽森签署了sb326法案.



我有两年时间完成第一次检查. 紧急程度是什么??

考虑到整个州的社区和外部高架元素的数量, it will become increasingly difficult and expensive to schedule the required inspections and contractors to make any necessary repairs resulting from those inspections as the deadline approaches.



对于sb326, 法律要求对“统计上显著的样本”进行检查,以提供95%的置信度, 误差范围不大于正负5%. SB 721只要求对每种外部高架元件进行15%的检查. This means not all elements will be inspected and the number of elements inspected will vary based on the total number of elements at each community and the governing law. 使用经过验证的随机选择过程随机选择元素.



Each selected element must be inspected to determine the overall condition of the load-bearing (structural) components. 这包括延伸到结构外墙之外的支撑框架, 表面行走, 附件分, 硬件, 栏杆, 以及相关的防水系统. 相关的防水系统包括闪光, 膜, 涂料, and 密封剂 that protect the load-bearing components of the 外 升高 Element from exposure to water.



如果框架要素是可见的和可接近的,破坏性的调查可能是不必要的. 如果陷害是隐藏的, 持牌专业人员可能需要在软肋上切割开口, 其他外部饰面, 可能还有内部装修,以暴露框架元素并评估观察到的条件.

What can I do so an invasive or destructive investigation is not required next time this inspection is required?

Property owners may wish to consider having vents or access panels installed at the locations of the investigative openings created in the course of the initial inspection(s). 检修面板或通风口将使今后的检查相对容易. 这项工作可能需要许可证.




我的甲板离地面只有几英尺. 还需要检查吗?

如果外部高架元件高于平地/地面6英尺以上, 那么就需要检查了.


我的外部高架元素是覆盖的,只有一面向外开放. 检验要求还适用吗?

是的, 若外部为高架木结构甲板, 阳台, 着陆, 楼梯系统, 或者走道从任何一侧暴露在天气中, 如果雨水能落在地面上, 或者水分是否会积聚在表面或接缝或交叉处.


这听起来更像是结构检查. 你为什么关心防水细节?

SB 326和SB 721要求对相关防水系统进行评估. 水侵是导致木制品退化和破坏的主要因素, and this becomes significant when it affects the structural components of an 外 升高 Element. A key factor in the Berkeley collapse that precipitated the passage of the SB 326 and SB 721 legislation was unmitigated water intrusion and decay of the structural members of the deck. 作为背景,这副牌只有5年的历史.



该过程包括按类型和结构对外部高架元素进行审查. 对于开放框架的元素, 检查是目视的,将包括元素的湿度读数探头. Closed soffit elements require penetration of the soffit in each joist bay at both outboard and inboard locations so the concealed structural elements can be assessed. 这是使用高清管镜完成的. 检查门户的数量与元素的大小有关. 基本的检查入口大约一英寸宽, 然而, 如果不通风, 可以选择带有通风的更大的门户.


如果董事会希望检查社区中的所有元素怎么办? 法律是否限制了可以检查的外部高架元件的数量?

法律只规定了要检查的外部高架元件的最小数量,而不是最大数量. Both the local jurisdiction (by enacting an ordinance or other rule) and the association board (by enacting rules or bylaws) may impose greater requirements.


该账单要求由持牌建筑师完成检查, 持牌土木或结构工程师, 持有特定执照的建筑承包商, 或者是被认证为建筑检查员或建筑官员的个人. 




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